Fowey’s ‘Pretty Bus Stop’ gets dressed up for Fowey Festival

Local people and regular visitors to Fowey will know that we possibly have the best bus stop ever on the approach to our town! It is on the right, by the second mini roundabout, as you take the main road into Fowey (as I write this, the first mini roundabout is still under construction). The bus stop has had many different, sometimes quirky and often stunning themes. This week, in time for the Fowey Festival, local author Gretchen Viehmann has transformed the bus stop into a fabulous illusion of a library, with brightly coloured books and several seagulls looking on to see what it is all about.

Fowey's Pretty Bus Stop
Thank you, Gretchen. It is brilliant and sets the tone for the festival beautifully.

You can meet Gretchen and hear her speak about her latest book Disappointed on Wednesday 11th May, 2.00pm – 3.00pm, in the Town Hall.
To book tickets for all the Fowey Festival events, please click here.