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In Dangerous Hours by Kitty Donnelly - A beautiful new book of poetry to recommend to you

Kitty Donnelly’s new book of poetry, In Dangerous Hours, is published on Monday, 6th June 2022.  Kitty sent a copy of her latest collection to the Daphne du Maurier website so that we could see for ourselves what a beautiful collection it is and that it is particularly special because it includes poems inspired by Daphne du Maurier’s most famous novel Rebecca.

Kitty tells us that a number of the poems in In Dangerous Hours have been drawn from inspirational women, fictional characters and novels.  These include Emily Bronte, Vivienne Eliot, the first wife of T.S. Eliot, Zelda Fitzgerald, the wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jean Rhys, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, Fifth Helena Drive – the last address of Marylin Monroe, the painting Weeping Woman Seated by Van Gough and others.

Kitty’s first collection of poems, The Impact of Limited Time, was a joint winner of the Indigo Dreams Collection Competition.  In 2019 she won a Creative Future Award and was nominated for the Jerwood Compton Fellowship.  She has a MA in Creative Writing from Manchester Metropolitan University.  Meanwhile, she has worked in mental health services throughout most of her adult life.  Kitty’s Irish roots, her experiences through her work and her understanding of women shine through her poetry with honesty and beauty.  We recommend this book to all lovers of poetry and literature, particularly if you would like to read what she has written about Rebecca.

In Dangerous Hours by Kitty Donnelly, ISBN 9781912876693, published by Indigo Dreams Publishing, 6th June 2022.

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