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Daphne du Maurier
The official Daphne du Maurier website, approved by her Estate

New BBC Jamaica Inn ruined by 'incoherent mumblings'

The BBC, stung by hundreds of complaints, has admitted that there have been 'sound issues' in this latest recreation of Daphne du Maurier's novel Jamaica Inn.

Mary Yellan in BBC production of Jamaica Inn

This drama is being broadcast in three parts over the evenings of 21, 22 & 23 April 2014 on BBC1 and du Maurier fans have been eagerly looking forward to seeing a more serious portrayal than Alfred Hitchcock's 1939 version. With a projected audience of over 6 million viewers, it was a great shame to hear that the BBC switchboard had been beseiged by complaints about the sound quality. Many listeners opting to switch on the subtitles!

The portrayal of conditions at Jamaica Inn was particularly bleak. One minute poor Mary Yellan (portrayed by Jessica Brown Findlay) was stumbling around in the filthy courtyard, with mud up to her knees, the next minute, her skirts had been magically laundered.

We look forward to better things in the final two episodes, perhaps with one finger on the 'Subtitles' button.


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